Timely Eviction Services

Are you dealing with a troublesome tenant who won’t pay you the rent money you are entitled to? You can get the eviction representation you need to swiftly deal with your unruly tenant by calling The Law Offices Of Guthrie & Brady for help. 

Mary Brady has the proven track record to handle your case. She has filed over 100 evictions and understands that while each situation is different, they all move forward once she gets involved. Mary Brady always wants to get the eviction process completed ASAP and is usually successful in receiving a favorable judgment in either one or two court appearances. 
An eviction is a detailed process, and the Illinois Statute requirements must be strictly adhered to. If the requirements are ignored, the judge may dismiss your case. To make sure this doesn’t happen, partner with The Law Offices Of Guthrie & Brady!

What You Need to Start an Eviction

  • A copy of the lease
  • A copy of the 5-day notice
  • An accounting of exactly how much rent is past due
Cook County’s eviction filing fee is currently $300.86 per case if the amount owed is less than $15,000.00. The Cook County Sheriff charges approximately $60 to serve one tenant and $120 to serve a tenant and other unknown occupants.

The Next Steps

Once you have submitted all of your information and have paid the court costs upfront, your case will be opened by:

  • Preparing the legal complaint and sheriff’s summons for trial
  • Filing the eviction with the court
  • Paying the sheriff to serve the tenant(s) with the complaint and summons
You will be charged $925.00 for attorney’s fees, plus court and filing fees for filing your case and receiving representation in court. This fee includes the work required to bring the case to a bench trial, default judgement, or settlement. Any additional court appearances are $150.00 per court appearance.
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